XXI SIM Conference
La società Italiana Marketing viene da un triennio di lavoro che ha prodotto importanti risultati e tangibili effetti sulla comunità accademica. Il principale è lo sviluppo di un clima favorevole alla collaborazione, all’empatia, e alla riduzione della distanza tra chi organizza e gestisce l’Associazione e coloro che vi partecipano. Il triennio 24-27 prosegue il lavoro del consiglio precedente partendo da questo stato di cose con l’obiettivo di migliorare ulteriormente il senso di comunità degli studiosi di marketing, sostenerli nei rispettivi processi di carriera e sviluppo professionale, sia in ambito strettamente accademico che nel dibattito civile per contribuire ad un positivo impatto sociale. Il nuovo consiglio rappresenta in modo ampio e diversificato i territori e i gruppi di lavoro della comunità accademica. Quello della rappresentatività territoriale è un principio che sarà applicato in numerosi ambiti della SIM, dalle sezioni tematiche, all’organizzazione del convegno e degli eventi, al reclutamento dei nuovi soci, ecc.
Nel 2024-27, la SIM sarà impegnata nella tutela delle istanze e delle esigenze professionali della comunità accademica. Questa priorità è particolarmente delicata e significativa nella situazione attuale. L’Università sta vivendo una fase di rapida trasformazione, sia per il quadro normativo in continua evoluzione, sia per istanze che emergono dalla comunità accademica.
Non solo a livello nazionale, il sistema universitario vive tensioni crescenti che nascono da un lato dalla pressione che le scuole esercitano sui propri dipendenti, spingendoli a produrre sempre di più, e dall’altro dalle strategie attuate dalle comunità e dai gruppi accademici in risposta a tali pressioni. Sono evidenti le tensioni e le distorsioni che il sistema universitario manifesta e che i singoli studiosi subiscono. La SIM lavora per costituire percorsi, risorse, e piattaforme per sostenere i colleghi nelle proprie strategie di carriera e condividere best practice, servizi, e relazioni.
Al tempo stesso si farà garante presso le istituzioni perché la parte sana e responsabile dell’accademia sia riconosciuta e valorizzata adeguatamente. Una ulteriore priorità è relativa all’impegno nello sviluppo della propria base sociale. Le ragioni che stanno dietro a questa priorità sono economiche (garantire un’adeguata copertura finanziaria per le numerose attività in essere), di rinnovamento (sostituire progressivamente i soci che cessano di partecipare alla SIM), e di diversificazione (aggiungere alla base sociale accademica una crescente quota di professionisti e soci sostenitori). Il target primario per questa attività di proselitismo sono i colleghi accademici sui quali abbiamo peraltro un tasso di penetrazione assai elevato: il numero di soci SIM cresce ogni anno. Sul versante business, le imprese come partecipanti allo steering, ma anche come partner o soci sostenitori, e soprattutto come sponsor del Premio Marketing sono un ulteriore bacino di riferimento su cui intervenire come e più che in passato.
E infine i professionisti: ad oggi il numero di soci aggregati (ovvero non accademici) è ancora troppo basso e deve necessariamente crescere.
In today’s complex environment, where trust in business is higher than trust in institutions and incessant media production prevails over authenticity, purpose and brand distinctiveness can emerge as a response to the citizens’ request for value creation. However, the risk is exposing oneself to issues that harden the brand's positions and excessively polarize preferences. Here the interrelationship among brand, purpose and society crystallizes in activism practices, filled with symbolic narratives, amplifications in digital arenas, flows of even antagonistic and critical conversations with stakeholders.
The marketing effort to associate the brand with positive cultural symbols faces contestation, which should not necessarily be eliminated but channelled and cultivated: a brand can learn from its failures and become more solid with each contestation experienced. The brand becomes a much more adaptive, contextual, antifragile concept. The SIM 2024 conference questions one of the concepts that represent the heart of the marketing discipline, the brand, reflecting on the role and configurations of value that it can take on in an unstable, fluid and interconnected context. Scholars actively addressed the call for papers and their 244 contributions, together with 2 keynote speeches, will outline the state of the art of the brand today, as well as the potential future scenarios.
A further platform for discussion will be the SIM Talk with 4 companies involved, the session Meet the Editor with 4 guest editors and the interaction with the Junior Faculty Climber Community.
Title: The premature death of brand purpose? Can or should it be saved? Abstract: Brand managers seemed to have cooled on the idea of brand purpose, or specifically whether brands should align themselves with social causes.
There are numerous reasons for this but chief among them is the potential for brand backlash, the danger posed by purpose to brand distinctiveness, the seeming lack of consumer interest in purpose, and poor returns. Yet, practitioners remain divided over the nature and value of purpose, with many suggesting purpose drives long-term brand value and relevance.
Much of this debate comes down to the failure to adequately define purpose and distinguish it from other strategic brand management decisions including position, mission, and values. I argue that clarity over these latter questions is essential for brand purpose to thrive.
Furthermore, if it is to be saved, then serious questions need to be asked about the value of purpose to brands and perhaps more importantly, to the causes they seek to coopt. Bio: Michael Beverland is a Professor of Brand Management at the University of Sussex Business School. Principally known for his work on brand authenticity, his research has been published in (among others) Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Consumer Research, and Organization Studies.
His book, Brand Management: Co-creating Meaningful Brands is in its 3rd edition and a new study guide entitled A Very Short, Fairly Interesting, and Reasonably Cheap book about Brand Management is forthcoming through Sage.
Title: Marketing and purpose in a post-digital world Abstract: There is a palpable convergence of sustainability, inclusivity, and corporate responsibility, reflecting a broader societal shift in values.
Today’s consumers are informed and values-driven, seeking more than just products. They're drawn to brands that stand for environmental stewardship, ethical practices, and holistic well-being. For businesses, this is no longer a peripheral strategy but a core imperative. This means corporations are not just selling; they're forging relationships, advocating causes, and often leading societal change.
We are witnessing a symbiotic evolution where businesses and consumers co-shape markets, driven by technology and shared values. We call this phase the post-digital era—a maturity phase where it is no longer enough to merely 'have a position' on important causes. Instead, it's crucial to 'take a position' and demonstrate consistent corporate behavior. In this era, the "digitalize or die" mindset evolves into a more nuanced approach.
Marketing's role becomes crucial as an engine for sustainable innovation, leveraging data and technology to shift from demand creation to demand interpretation. This optimizes the number of unsuccessful products that hit the market, generates efficiencies, reduces waste, and safeguards brands by minimizing the use of promotional levers for slow-moving products. What is the role of marketing and branding in a post-digital world? What purpose do people expect from businesses? And what is the role of humans in such a world? Bio: A recognized thought leader, sought-after advisor, and keynote speaker on Marketing, Leadership, Business Transformation, and Corporate Innovation, Giuseppe holds a Ph.D. in Marketing and Economics from IULM University.
He has co-authored three business books with Philip Kotler, translated into eight languages, reaching over 100,000 readers globally. Giuseppe is an entrepreneur and manager with over two decades of international marketing and communication experience. He has served as CEO at three international agencies, including a WPP EMEA team dedicated to FCA, J. Walter Thompson, and Spring Studios, partnering with more than 300 companies worldwide.
As an advisor and board member, Giuseppe leverages his crossindustry experience to help business leaders assess their organizations against market benchmarks and develop actionable marketing plans to exceed customer expectations and maximize ROI. Additionally, Giuseppe is an active angel investor and an Adjunct Professor of Marketing at prestigious international universities and business schools. His TEDx talk, 'How To Become a Marketing Superhero,' has garnered over 1 million views globally. A LinkedIn Top Voice, Giuseppe was recognized by Thinkers50 in 2024 as one of the most inspiring global leaders, whose ideas are set to make a significant impact on management thinking.
Bio: Rossella Gambetti is Professor of Branding and Consumer Culture at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan.
Rossella is an interpretive scholar whose research is focused on emerging technocultural phenomena shaping contemporary branding and consumer culture. She is an experienced netnographer who has conducted several netnographic explorations of consumer subcultures and the social media worlds of amateurial chefs, virtual influencers, brand activism and counter-brand communities, youth tobacco consumption and Chinese cosmetics consumption.
Rossella has published in journals such as Journal of Business Research, Marketing Theory, California Management Review, Journal of Marketing Management. She is coauthor (with Rob Kozinets and Ulrike Gretzel) of the book Influencers and creators: business, culture and practice published by Sage in 2023 and has co-edited (with Rob Kozinets) the book Netnography Unlimited, published by Routledge in 2021.
She is the secretary of the Association for Netnographic Research and has been co-chair of the first and the second global netnography conference (NETNOCON23 and NETNOCON24).
Angelo Miglietta, Stefania Romenti, Massimiliano Bruni, Elanor Colleoni, Daniela Corsaro, Annamaria Esposito,
Martha Friel, Francesco Massara, Aurelio Mauri, Alessandra Mazzei, Grazia Murtarelli, Silvia Ravazzani, Ruggero Sainaghi
Giovedì 17 ottobre 2024
10:00 – 11:00 | Registrazione partecipanti
11:00 – 13:00 | 1^ Sessione plenaria (coordina Daniele Dalli, Presidente SIM)
11:00 – 11:30: Saluti istituzionali
● Valentina Garavaglia, Rettrice IULM
● Stefania Romenti, IULM, Conference chair
● Gennaro Iasevoli, Presidente AIDEA
● Arabella Mocciaro Li Destri, Presidente SIMA
● Morana Fudurić, Vice President Membership and Communication, EMAC
● Nicola Neri, Steering Committee President
11:30 – 12:00: Keynote speech: Michael Beverland (University of Sussex)
12:00 – 12:30: Keynote speech: Giuseppe Stigliano (Spring Studios)
12:30 – 13:00: Q&A - Modera: Rossella Gambetti, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
13:00 – 14:30 | Light lunch & poster corner
14:30 – 16.00 | 2^ Sessione plenaria - Meet the editor (coordina Simona Botti, LBS)
14:30 – 15:00: Meet the Editor (plenary session)
● Simona Botti (London Business School, Journal of Marketing, AE, session chair)
● Adam Lindgreen (Copenhagen Business School, Industrial Marketing Management, EiC)
● Ayşegül Özsomer (Koç University, Journal of International Marketing, EiC)
● Peeter Verlegh (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Journal of Interactive Marketing, EiC)
15:00 – 16:00: Il consiglio di presidenza
SIM2427 incontra i soci (sessione plenaria)
15:00 – 16:00: Meet the Editor
(sessioni individuali su prenotazione)
16:00 – 16:30 | Coffee break
16:30 – 18.00 | 3^ Sessione plenaria - La ricerca sulla marca e il punto di vista delle imprese
16:30 – 17:00: Introduzione alla Ricerca "Branding R-Evolution: trend, sfide e opportunitá"
● Laura Cavalli, Centromarca
Presentazione della Ricerca
● Grazia Murtarelli, Iulm
● Discussant: Daniela Andreini, Università di Bergamo
17:00 – 18:00: SIM Talk "Branding e Marketing"
Modera: Giampaolo Colletti, Il Sole 24 Ore
● Carmela Izzo, Duracell, Vicepresident Southern Europe
● Giuseppe Millea, Henkel, Digital & CRM Manager
● Carlo Colpo, Lavazza Group, Group Marketing Communication Director and Brand Home Director
● Leonardo Lambertini, Valsoia, Central Marketing & Trade Marketing Director International &
Domestic Market
18:00 – 19:30 Aperitivo
Venerdì 18 ottobre 2024
09:00 – 11:00 1^ Sessioni parallele
11:00 – 11:15 Coffee break
11:15 – 12:45 2^ Sessioni parallele
12:45 – 14:15 Light lunch
14:15 – 15:45 3^ Sessioni parallele
15:45 – 16.00 Coffee break
16:00 – 17:15 4^ Sessioni parallele
17:30 – 18:30 3^ Sessione plenaria (coordina Paola Signori, Segretario generale SIM)
● Presentazione 37^ edizione Premio Marketing:
Enrico Bonetti, Presidente Premio Marketing
● Presentazione “SIM Marketing for Good”:
Federica Ceccotti, Sapienza Università di Roma
Marco Lucchini, Banco Alimentare
● SIM D&R Colloquium 2025
Marco Visentin, Università di Bologna
● SIM JFCC Meeting 2025
Annamaria Tuan, Università di Bologna
● Awards
Premio SIM per il Miglior paper “Stefano Pace”
Premio SIM per il Miglior paper “Lucio Sicca”
Best Selected Papers (sessioni parallele)
Best SIM Conference Paper
● Conclusione dei lavori e lancio SIM Conference 2025
19:30 | Apertura in esclusiva Museo della Scienza e della Tecnica Leonardo da Vinci - Via San Vittore 21 Milano
Aperitivo, Visita alle Sale di Leonardo e Gala dinner
● Awards Best paper + Best rewiewer 2023 ITJM
Luca Petruzzellis, Editor in chief, Italian Journal of Marketing
Sabato 19 Ottobre 2024
9:30 – 12:30 | SIM Junior Faculty Workshop on experimental design
● Simona Botti, London Business School
● Peeter Verlegh, VU University Amsterdam
9:30 – 12:30 | Spazi di lavoro per sezioni tematiche e gruppi di lavoro