CIMaR 2025
Transformative Marketing: Driving business and societal change
Recent years have witnessed increasing disruptions and discontinuities to economies and societies, from technological advances to geopolitical tensions, heatened environmental awareness and rapidly changing customer behavior. International marketing based on a deep understanding of evolving
institutional set ups, customer needs, and technological trends across countries, can act as a driver of sustainable value creation
and delivery. Potential themes include, but are by no means limited to:
-What are transformative marketing approaches employed by international firms, and what is their outcome and impact?
-How does the development of transformative marketing approaches enable international firms to effectively address societal problems? Is there any tension with the firm’s economic outcomes?
-What are relevant drivers of the international firm’s transformative marketing approaches?
-Does marketing and international marketing itself need a transformation?
Key Dates:
Deadline for paper submission: Jan 15, 2025
Acceptance notification: March 3, 2025